Simply put, without our generous sponsors Queen Charlotte Sound / Tōtaranui will degrade over time. For decades the area has been subjected to removal of native vegetation, higher than normal sedimentation, reduced water quality and non-sustainable fishing practices.

It is not too late to make a difference!

We have a plan to protect the Queen Charlotte Sound / Tōtaranui by restoring what has been damaged and enhancing the environment for future generations.

We need to educate people about why this is important, and we need to take action now!

Ever dollar invested will go towards saving our endangered animals and give the native forests a chance to recover.

Get involved!

The animals and plants of Tōtaranui need your help now!

To receive a sponsorship pack please contact us on




Hector and Maui Defenders


Ministry for Primary Industries, B56, MSM Services, Styles Group, Sky Works

Community Sponsors

For $100 you can sponsor one of our endangered taonga species.
For $200 you help save one of our endangered taonga species and can choose a name so that you can follow its progress.
All sponsorship and donations are tax deductible.

Get involved!

The animals and plants of Tōtaranui need your help now!